Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cold Stone

I am completely addicted to Cold Stone, my newest obsession is birthday cake remix. Mike generally gets peanut butter perfection or chocolate devotion. He definitely isn't as big of a fan as I am, however, usually gets conned into getting some anyhow to make me feel better about my indulgence. I eat more ice cream in a week than most people do during a year, not kidding! I can't help it, I LOOOOVE ice cream. How was I ever vegan?!?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Building a house...

Mike and I are so excited to be building our first house. It is exciting to see the progress made each day, we truly can't wait to see the finished project. As of right now the house should be done the end of March which will give us enough time to furnish it and make it look like our home before the wedding in July. Between finishing nursing school, taking boards, finding and starting a new job, building a house, and planning a wedding I have been extremely busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  2008 will definitely be a year to remember!


I am officially a RN! Crazy! It seems like I have been in school forever, which is exactly how it feels for all of my family,  graduating first with a Bachelors in Economics and  now with a Masters of Nursing. It feels a little surreal to finally be out in the real world and actually starting my career. I am so excited to be starting my dream job on Feb. 4 in Fairview Southdale's OR, wish me luck!

Joining blogspot.

I may not be the best writer, but I have decided to give this blogspot thing a try since I am completely horrible at keeping in touch with people. Hopefully it will give you an idea of what has been going on with me, if I haven't talked to you in a while. I will also try and get Mike to write some blogs, seeing as I have titled the blog "Mike and Emily."